Tuesday, July 7, 2009


the title of the blog is inspired by lauryn hill's "conform to love." it's a song about doing more than loving, about being love. so much of my writing is inspired by her honesty. her insanity. her talent. and her freedom. i love righteousbabygirls.blogspot.com dearly. it is and will always be a part of my writing experience and comedic talents, but i wanted to create a space defined by freedom. my words- poems, essays, prose that you've heard or haven't. I'll dig in the crates for classics ya'll wanted copies of that never got to you. All I ask in return is that you share your thoughts and feelings about the work!

Everyday people approach me about how that piece i did at ____(insert dc locale here)___ meant so much, influenced their decisions, reflected feelings they couldn't verbalize... and i always wish i could've heard it there in that moment. i also ask that if you reprint/copy/repost you give credit to the author and this blog. and most importantly! communicate with me, ask me questions, make requests! some of my best work was commissioned.

random but being on twitter has broken down so many walls that i had no part in putting up. many created from fear or misconception. like lauryn says everybody is going through the same shit. i only believe in 2 emotions, love and fear... i hope ya'll choose love and join me on my mission to write a piece for the next 30 days. trying to push myself further than i ever have. the parable of the talents and recent events have ordained it. no room for fear in freedom!




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